'Japon - Grabados y Objetos de Arte' caught my eye while I was seeing friends in Malaga. The exhibition at the Museo Carmen Thyssen in the city centre featured a small collection of fabulous late 18th century and early 19th century ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock prints by masters, such as Hokusai and Hiroshige. All the works came from the Museo de Bellas Artes in Bilbao and were originally collected by private collector Jose Palacio.
Carmen Thyseen Museum, Malaga |
The exhibition space itself was stunning. And it was fantastic to see printmaking on show here. The photos below are not great quality as it was very hard to capture with the reflections from the lights, however these will at least remind me of a fantastic day and beautiful, delicate work.
Craftman's shop near Mount Fuji, by Hokusai |
The Elegant Set of the Hunter, by Eizan |
Fuchu, by Hiroshige |
Komachi Beseeching the Rain, by Toyokuni |
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